The phone number for HARISSA WEB SHOP has changed. Please dial the area code for Croatia - Zagreb +3851 and type "HARISSA" on your keypad, or call +3851 42 74 772. Feel free to send your inquiries via email to Working Sundays can be found on our website under / STORES.
4,77 €
Dried Slices of Red Orange
Dried Slices of Red Orange
3,51 €
Candied Melon Pieces
Candied Melon Pieces
1,38 €
Candied Ginger
Candied Ginger
1,73 €
Pink Grapefruit - dried slices
Pink Grapefruit - dried slices
4,09 €
Dried Apple Slices
Dried Apple Slices
4,28 €
Dried Strawberry Slices
Dried Strawberry Slices
12,07 €
Sweetened Dried Strawberries
Sweetened Dried Strawberries
2,95 €
Coconut Chips
Coconut Chips
0,98 €
Coconut cubes sweetened 10mm
Coconut cubes sweetened 10mm
0,95 €
Corn Jumbo BBQ
Corn Jumbo BBQ
2,49 €
Corn Jumbo Chili
Corn Jumbo Chili
2,49 €
Corn Salted
Corn Salted
2,42 €
Dried Lime Slices
Dried Lime Slices
3,79 €
Dried Raspberry
Dried Raspberry
5,97 €
Dried Mango Slices
Dried Mango Slices
2,56 €
Dried Orange Slices
Dried Orange Slices
3,63 €
Papaya Sweetened Dried 8-10mm
Papaya Sweetened Dried 8-10mm
1,54 €
Dried Pitaya
Dried Pitaya
3,18 €
Candied Pomelo
Candied Pomelo
1,13 €
Tropical Mix
Tropical Mix
1,61 €
Sour cherry dried
Sour cherry dried
2,70 €
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