The phone number for HARISSA WEB SHOP has changed. Please dial the area code for Croatia - Zagreb +3851 and type "HARISSA" on your keypad, or call +3851 42 74 772. Feel free to send your inquiries via email to Working Sundays can be found on our website under / STORES.
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Customer Support

Questions, suggestions and complaints

If you have any difficulties or issues with your order, need to make changes, or have specific inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Fojnička 6 10000 Zagreb

GSM: +385 95 427 4772

Tel: +385 1 207 9584




Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Latest Recipes

We bring you tried and tested recipes of our favorite dishes, culinary tips, and suggestions on how to best combine spices and ingredients for a complete sensory experience.


See all Recipes

Chicken with Pumpkin Spice

Enjoy this autumn-inspired dish with Harissa Pumpkin Spice seasoning, perfect for roasted white meat, vegetables, salads, coffee, hot chocolate and pumpkin-based dishes and desserts!


HARISSA Ramen soups and broths from the HOME Chef program – a harmony of flavors that enchants!

​Ramen soup, a traditional Japanese dish that has gained worldwide popularity, is a symbol of the richness of flavors and textures. The HOME Chef program of Harissa broths and Ramen soups will delight many palates!

Spice up your Instagram!