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Chicken with Pumpkin Spice

Roast chicken with pumpkin and potatoes, seasoned with Harissa Pumpkin Spice and Home Chef / SALSUS chicken broth!

Time Needed: 40 - 60 min
Amount: x3 - 4

1 whole chicken
6 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon HARISSA Pumpkin Spice seasoning
1/2 teaspoon HARISSA smoked paprika
1/2 teaspoon HARISSA garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste, some fresh rosemary
1/4 cup HARISSA Home Chef chicken or vegetable broth
1 tablespoon honey

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F) for about 15 minutes.
Generously grease a baking dish with olive oil.
Pat the chicken dry with paper towels, then season both sides with HARISSA spices: salt, pepper, garlic powder, smoked paprika, and Pumpkin Spice.
Place the seasoned chicken in the baking dish, covering it with aluminium foil or the original lid.
Roast in the preheated oven for 20-40 minutes at 180°C (350°F), depending on the chicken's size.
Meanwhile, boil quartered potatoes and thick slices of pumpkin in salted water for about 10 minutes, drain, and add them to the baking dish with the chicken. Pour in the heated HARISSA Home Chef broth.

Continue roasting, occasionally basting with the liquid in the dish.
3-5 minutes before finishing, brush the chicken with honey and baste with the pan juices.

Roast uncovered for an additional 3-5 minutes, aiming for a crispy, golden-brown skin on the chicken and a golden crust on the potatoes and pumpkin.
Let it cool slightly, then garnish with fresh rosemary or thyme. For table decoration, consider placing mini pumpkins and orange napkins.

Enjoy this autumn-inspired dish with HARISSA Pumpkin Spice seasoning, perfect for roasted white meat, vegetables, salads, coffee, hot chocolate and pumpkin-based dishes and desserts!

Bon appétit from Harissa 

Cast Iron Grinder "Twist" Walnut M Product code: 5000205


To finely chop and mix various spices, use the Gus Twist Mills.

Available at:

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Chicken with Pumpkin Spice

Enjoy this autumn-inspired dish with Harissa Pumpkin Spice seasoning, perfect for roasted white meat, vegetables, salads, coffee, hot chocolate and pumpkin-based dishes and desserts!


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